Be There for a Bedtime Story,
from Anywhere in the World.
Record a story today and they can be watching you on their iPad tonight.
“Kids prefer storytelling over video games and TV before bed…”
That means, they’d rather be watching YOU on their iPad!
(Source: Research by Disney/Pixar >>)First
Choose a story from over 250 titles from our online e-bookstore.
Read your story in front of your webcam or iPad camera, as it displays on the screen.
Last Step!
We’ll email a private, protected link of your story to anyone, anywhere, to be enjoyed on their computer or iPad!
“Look Daddy! Nana and Poompa are here to read to me!”
Share in the precious family tradition of a bedtime story from fah, fah away.
And for lifetimes to come.
Perfect for Grandparents!
“This is perfect for our family! We do Facetime, but the timing isn’t always convenient. Bedtime stories with grandma is possible with Be There Bedtime Stories!” ~ TheMavenOf
Dads Dig It!
“The parent-approved, easy-to-use platform also delivers the added benefit of fostering literacy…kids are engaging in proven read-aloud techniques that build language and literacy. ” ~
Kids Agree!
“Storytelling ranked higher than television or video games among pastimes for kids age 3-8.” ~ Research from Disney/Pixar
Best of the Best in Family-Friendly Media
~ Mom’s Choice Awards
Read a Story Tonight.
Be There as a Storyteller for a Lifetime.
Record a story with your webcam or iPad and preview before you send or pay.