OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis week I am turning my blog temporarily over to a guest blogger. Before I do, I want to remind everyone that writing is reading. The act of writing and revising requires reading and thinking. What a great way to grow your literacy! Blogging can be one way to allow kids to practice their literacy, and it is fun too! I have included a website that is helpful if you are going to blog with your child: http://www.blog-connection.com/blogs-kids.htm
So, with no further ado, here is my guest blogger.

I’m Laura’s daughter, Abby. I am 9 years old. I’m in third grade. I recommend you go to MY blog, crazycat101. The blog address is: http://catcrazy101.wordpress.com/
My blog is about cats and all the funny stuff they do. Leave a comment or follow me and tell me if your cat does anything funny or weird. Sometimes I will post about other stuff too so please check it out!