Be There Bedtime stories is full of great stories that have the power to inspire young readers AND writers. After reading a really entertaining story (or being read one), many kids feel they may want to take a turn at writing a story themselves. One way to make writing a story more accessible to young writers is to have the child dictate their story to someone at the computer. This alleviates the labor of physically writing it themselves, and the young writer is freed up to put their thoughts and ideas down in a quick and easy way. After their story is typed out on the computer you can help your child to read it back and even help them with editing their work. And then may come illustrations!

On a personal note, both of my daughters, (now 4 and 6) have written many an exciting tale with this method. If I hadn’t been there to type out their thoughts and ideas for them they wouldn’t have had the stamina to finish most (if any) of their stories.

A simple framework to keep in mind for a good story is to have them include:
1. An interesting setting
2. Interesting characters
3. A problem (which helps to make it interesting)
4. A solution to the problem.

Outside of coaching them on this basic framework, I try to let them fill the story with all of their ideas. It is also a great time capsule to keep so that your child can revisit their early authoring!